Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The simple way to write an ebook

Hi Frens,

I just take this article form Mr Gobala site , because why, From what he said is truth and beleive it.

This year I met over 30 people who told me they wanted to publish and sell their ebooks on the Internet. Yet since early January 2006 I seem to be the only one doing it.
Of course they have their 'reasons', which are actually just lame excuses to stay in their comfort zone and do nothing. Here are the common excuses:

  • My English is bad
  • I'm not good at writing
  • I don't have the time
Ok, let's work with those excuse in mind. Here's the simple way to do it:

Get a topic - Find a topic you want to write about. Research this topic to see if there's a demand

Create 10 main chapters - write out the 10 most important things you want to include in your ebook

Create 4 sub-chapters - Divide each chapter into 4 smaller topics, so now in effect you have 40 topics

Write two paragraphs for each - Content, not words. Write it out in point form to keep it simple. It doesn't matter how many words each paragraph is, as long as it's a complete sentence.

Give the draft to a ghostwriter - Pay $100 - $300 and the ghostwriter will take your existing framework, and create an ebook out of it.

Now you're saying 'it can't be that easy'

Why not? It doesn't HAVE to be difficult, does it? If you've been saying to yourself that you want to write an ebook, just do it now. Chances are after you've drafted the 10 chapters and 40 subchapters, you'll keep on adding another paragraph here and there.

And after 5 days you' ll find that your ebook is done.
- gk -

Now , you have to think yourself whether is worth for your money to appoint ghostwriter or you prefer to publish yourself.

More news coming afterwards.

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